Friday, 22 November 2013

Best Yoga Poses For Lose Belly Fat

Yoga exercises can help greatly in the reduction of belly fat and fat deposits in the body. There are several positions in the asanas which help in reduction of the belly fat with the twists and the elongations exercises in yoga.Deep breath exercises help to burn the extra fats which are deposited in various organs of the body. It helps in reduction of the belly fat and also provides the lost zeal to the body. Stomach lifts up and down along with continuous breathing exercises show guaranteed results in short span of time.

Practice some pranayama poses and Yoga Lose Belly Fat. Yoga is a complete solution to any health issue. We always that precaution is better than cure. practice yoga regularly to reduce your belly fat and forget any health issue. Because yoga will keep you fit and fine naturally. Yoga increases body energy level and immune system.

Kapalbhati Pranayama

Kapalbhati-PranayamaExcellent breathing exercise to lose weight and lose belly fat fast. In kapalbhati exhaling with all your force with nose is important till your stomach goes deep inside. kapalbhati pranayama removes air and carbon dioxide from lungs completely and helps in losing belly fat fast.

Ardha Halasana (Half Plough Pose)

ardha-halasanaHalf Plough Pose is similar to Uttanapadasana. Beneficial for building six pack ABS as well as curing stomach disorder. Improves digestion and appetite. Tone the thigh and hip muscles overall abdominal muscles.

Bhujangasana Cobra pose

bhujangasana-cobraposePracticing bhujangasana regularly lose belly fat and cures constipation and stomach problems. Bhujangasana cures abdominal disorder and removes stress.


This is one of the basic poses of Hatha Yoga and stimulates your solar plexus center. Along with acting as a tummy toning pose, the forward bend also offers an admirable level of stretch to the hamstrings, thighs as well as hips. It is also ideal for those who are prone to digestive disorders. Web Directory

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Best Nutrition For Older Adults

The benefits of healthy eating include increased mental acuteness, resistance to illness and disease, higher energy levels, faster recuperation times, and better management of chronic health problems. As we age, eating well can also be the key to a positive outlook and staying emotionally balanced.

Eating a variety of foods from all food groups can help you get the nutrients your body needs as you age. A healthy eating plan emphasizes fruit, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat or fat-free dairy; includes lean meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs and nuts; and is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium) and added sugars.

Calcium-rich foods

Osteoporosis is a major health issue for older people, particularly women. It happens when your bone density decreases, which raises your risk of fractures. It's important to have calcium in your diet to keep your bones healthy.

Enough vitamin D

Vitamin D is also essential for healthy bones as it helps you absorb calcium. We mainly get our vitamin D through the effect of summer sunshine on our skin. However, it’s also important to get some in your diet.


Focus on whole fruits rather than juices for more fiber and vitamins and aim for around 1 ½ to 2 servings each day. Break the apple and banana rut and go for color-rich pickings like berries or melons.


Color is your credo in this category. Choose antioxidant-rich dark, leafy greens, such as kale, spinach, and broccoli as well as orange and yellow vegetables, such as carrots, squash, and yams. Try for 2 to 2 ½ cups of veggies every day.

Vitamin B6

This vitamin is essential for a healthy immune system and you need more after age 50. Good sources include potatoes, beans, meat, chicken and fish. If you think you’re not eating enough of these foods, check with your doctor about taking a supplement.


Zinc is required for the maintenance of a healthy immune system and is most commonly found in meat, shellfish, wholemeal bread and pulses. 
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