Friday, 27 December 2013

Best Bikram Yoga Weight Loss Benefits

The benefits of Bikram Yoga are many and endless. Bikram’s postures and breathing exercises can help you with a multitude of afflictions which range from - thyroid problems to weight loss, stress to insomnia, diabetes to knee problems, kidney conditions to cardiovascular disease, depression to blood pressure, arthritis to lower back pain - allowing you to maintain exceptional health for many years. The postures work every aspect of your body down to a cellular level flushing toxins from your system.

Bikram Yoga is a style of hot yoga that's touted by celebrities and average Joes as a good way of keeping your body slim and trim. An average Bikram Yoga class involves practicing 26 set postures and 2 breathing exercises in a room that's heated to 105 degrees with 40 percent humidity. Heat encourages excessive sweating, which may result in extra weight loss and detoxification.

Heat And Weight Loss

Heat of a Bikram yoga room does not cause permanent weight loss. You'll lose water weight, temporarily, through sweating. Whenever you rehydrate, however, your body will regain water it needs to function properly, as well as your weight will return to normal. However, heat raises your heart rate slightly. While you sweat, your blood volume decreases due to dehydration, and your heart must pump faster to help keep the blood flowing during your body. In this way, the heat can help you reach and maintain your target heartbeat, achieving a level that burns calories effectively.

Calories expended

Experts debate the exact quantity of calories you burn by doing Bikram yoga. Most sources, for example Women's Health magazine, say that you can burn more than 600 calories each hour, or 900 to 1,000 calories per 90-minute Bikram session. The nation's Council on Strength and Fitness disputes the dpi, however, calling it "highly improbable." Whatever the exact number, doing any fairly intense cardio for 1-1/2 hours provides you with a solid workout.

Weight Loss Benefits

The heat inside a Bikram Yoga class increases your heartbeat and the dehydration it causes decreases your blood volume. This will make your heart pump considerably faster, the result being a higher level of calorie burn. The yoga poses concentrate on the physical aspect, which combined with effect of the heat helps you to burn a substantial number of calories.


Just one component of a Bikram Yoga diet that's widely agreed on is maintaining proper hydration. Because a lot water and electrolytes are lost inside a Bikram Yoga class due to excessive sweating, it is very important to keep yourself hydrated before, during after class. Bikram recommends drinking a minimum of 16 ounces of fluids before visiting class. After class, replenish the body with water, a sports drink or fresh coconut water.


Our recommendation is that you practice Bikram Yoga on an empty stomach and don't eat anything for at least 2 hours before class. If you must consume a snack before class choose something light and non-acidic that won't upset your stomach, like a handful of almonds or a bit of fruit. For maximum weight loss, choose a diet that's rich in nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables and lean proteins, for example tofu, legumes, meat and fish. 

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Best Exercise Equipment For Abdominal Muscles

The Best Abdominal Exercises you may want to try adding several pieces of ab exercise equipment for your routine. Ab equipment will help you stay motivated, and help you target core muscles you might not activate while performing standard crunches. While no product will magically provide you with 'six-pack' abs, these pieces of ab fitness equipment may help you put variety and concentrate back into your core strengthening routine.

The very best, and most common Abdominal Exercises were offer the test by researchers in the Biomechanics Lab at North park State University. The researchers desired to compare the muscles activation and engagement within the most common abdominal exercises to find out if there are actually negative and positive exercise for muscle building, and also to learn if any of the ab equipment available on the market does, in fact, work better than basic bodyweight exercises.

Standard Crunch

Lie on back with knees bent. Raise your shoulders off the floor, concentrating on moving your ribs towards your hips. Pretend a grapefruit is beneath your chin so you don't move your face. Easier: hands on chest. Harder: On the job sides of head, try not to pull on head. Hardest: Hands straight out above head. Go slow and breathing. Try 2 seconds up, hold for just two seconds, then 2 seconds heading down.

Reverse Curl

This targets the low fibers of the front abdominal muscle as well as the side abdominals. Lie lying on your back and bend your knees toward your chest so far as is comfortable, keeping hips on the ground. Contract your abdominal muscles to lift hips started and bring knees toward chest. Don't swing your legs! Focus on using your abs to raise your pelvis toward your lower rib cage. Go slow and breathing. Easier: Hands on floor. Harder: Elbows on floor, hands in air.

Stomach crunches on the Ball

There are some legitimate ab items like the exercise ball (aka swiss, gym, stability ball, Fitball), that has been used by physical therapists for decades. It's among the safest and most effective training devices for that abs and low back. Lying around the exercise ball, your hips curve down which means you start your exercise in a greater range of motion than you'd lying flat on the floor. What this means is more of the abdominal muscle gets trained.

Balance Ball Workouts

For those who have a standard balance ball in your own home you have a mini-gym. The number of exercises (especially ab work) that can be done with a balance ball is virtually unlimited. Get a starter video to obtain the basics and go from there.

Ab Roller

The Ab Roller can help you target the rectus abdominis muscle while providing support for your neck and head. The arm rests also allow you to relax your shoulders so you can do regular crunches without straining. Ideal for those who have neck and shoulder pain, or need assistance getting their ab crunch technique perfect.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Perfect Water Games For Kids

Kids water games are an excellent way to be active and having fun. Playing within the water helps the child in his development and to gain confidence within the water. It also introduces new challenges and sensations. We divided the very best water games in two groups.

Most outdoor Water Games For Kids are very inexpensive (easy in your party budget), and don’t need a lot of time to set up. Two more excellent reasons to include a minumum of one or two of them to your games and activities list.

Water Balloon Toss 

Grab someone and stand across from their store. Toss a water balloon back and forth, stepping further back with every toss. For a variation, consider catching this balloon mechanism in a bowl, bucket, or towel.

Dunk Tank, Water Balloon Style 

There isn't any point to this one, except for being wet. Place the water balloon on your head and squeeze until it pops. Substitute water balloons for water balls or giant sponges. Who looks the wettest.

Wet Sponge Hot Potato 

Everyone sits inside a circle. Play music or sing an audio lesson. Pass the wet sponge round the circle. When the music has ended (just play a brief segment) or the song has ended, the person left with the wet sponge can squeeze it over their scalp. They can also choose to squeeze it over another child’s head. Refill the wet sponge and play again.

Sponge Basketball 

Divide the children into pairs and provide each pair a wet sponge. One child holds their arms in a hoop before them. The other will aim for the hoop with the sponge. Substitute hula hoops if they're available.


Have a strong rope or water hose and divide the children in 2 groups on each end from the rope. Place the rope in the centre over a running sprinkler and also have the kids pull the rope. It is really an exciting game when the children pull others into the water and then get pulled themselves in to the water. Very funny for hot summer days.


Divide the children into groups and provide each group a full bucket of water, a clear bucket and every child a paper cup. Then you definitely set up a race so that every child has to scoop water in the cup and run in the full bucket to the empty bucket together with his water. The team who poured the most water in to the empty bucket is the winner.