Thursday 26 December 2013

Best Exercise Equipment For Abdominal Muscles

The Best Abdominal Exercises you may want to try adding several pieces of ab exercise equipment for your routine. Ab equipment will help you stay motivated, and help you target core muscles you might not activate while performing standard crunches. While no product will magically provide you with 'six-pack' abs, these pieces of ab fitness equipment may help you put variety and concentrate back into your core strengthening routine.

The very best, and most common Abdominal Exercises were offer the test by researchers in the Biomechanics Lab at North park State University. The researchers desired to compare the muscles activation and engagement within the most common abdominal exercises to find out if there are actually negative and positive exercise for muscle building, and also to learn if any of the ab equipment available on the market does, in fact, work better than basic bodyweight exercises.

Standard Crunch

Lie on back with knees bent. Raise your shoulders off the floor, concentrating on moving your ribs towards your hips. Pretend a grapefruit is beneath your chin so you don't move your face. Easier: hands on chest. Harder: On the job sides of head, try not to pull on head. Hardest: Hands straight out above head. Go slow and breathing. Try 2 seconds up, hold for just two seconds, then 2 seconds heading down.

Reverse Curl

This targets the low fibers of the front abdominal muscle as well as the side abdominals. Lie lying on your back and bend your knees toward your chest so far as is comfortable, keeping hips on the ground. Contract your abdominal muscles to lift hips started and bring knees toward chest. Don't swing your legs! Focus on using your abs to raise your pelvis toward your lower rib cage. Go slow and breathing. Easier: Hands on floor. Harder: Elbows on floor, hands in air.

Stomach crunches on the Ball

There are some legitimate ab items like the exercise ball (aka swiss, gym, stability ball, Fitball), that has been used by physical therapists for decades. It's among the safest and most effective training devices for that abs and low back. Lying around the exercise ball, your hips curve down which means you start your exercise in a greater range of motion than you'd lying flat on the floor. What this means is more of the abdominal muscle gets trained.

Balance Ball Workouts

For those who have a standard balance ball in your own home you have a mini-gym. The number of exercises (especially ab work) that can be done with a balance ball is virtually unlimited. Get a starter video to obtain the basics and go from there.

Ab Roller

The Ab Roller can help you target the rectus abdominis muscle while providing support for your neck and head. The arm rests also allow you to relax your shoulders so you can do regular crunches without straining. Ideal for those who have neck and shoulder pain, or need assistance getting their ab crunch technique perfect.

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